22nd Annual Multicultural Arts Festival
Jun 21, 2015
Time: Opens at 11 a.m. and continues until 6 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Park
Phone: Annie Capestany, Event Chair (509) 525-8602 Se habla español.

Dear Friend of Diversity:
You are invited to the 20th annual Diversity Day Multicultural Arts Festival in Walla Walla. The festival will be at Pioneer Park in Walla Walla on June 21, 2015 (Father's Day). It opens at 11 a.m. and continues until 6 p.m.
High quality entertainment is planned throughout the day, including music and dance performances reflecting the traditions and artistic influences of diverse cultures and nationalities.
A wide array of games and activities for youngsters and young adults make the festival an enjoyable experience for the entire family. The festival's upbeat and joyous atmosphere increases respect and appreciation while encouraging spontaneous, friendly interaction between people of all races and all cultures.
2015 Entertainment Schedule
11:00 Country Folk—Rich & Nancy Monacelli
11:30 Zumba—Laura Angulo
12:00 Opening Ceremonies—Mayor Jerry Cummins
The Song of Peace—Everyone
12:30 Sri Lankan Dance—Dahami Uduwana
1:00 German Dancing—Deutsche Tanzers
1:30 Filipino Song & Dance—Walla Walla Filipino Community
2:00 Middle Eastern Dance— Troupe Azure
Drum circle—behind bandstand
2:30 Mexican Dances—Estrellas de Mexico
3:00 Steel Drum Band—Rogers School, Noel Jabagat
3:30 Mexican Songs —Salvador Hernandez & the Angulos
4:00 Contra Dancing—Dan & Barbara Clark
5:00 Country Folk—Vintage
6:00 Festival closes
Vendor space is available to all those interested in furthering the goal of the Diversity Coalition: promoting communication, respect and understanding among the diverse groups in this area.
Interested? Want more infomration? Click here to download the Vender Application.
We would like to have your application by May 27 so that your business can be included in our publicity. Or, to avoid a late fee, postmark your application before June 3. The final deadline for ALL applications is Sunday, June 14.
- Please remember to sign the waiver on the back of your application before sending it to us.
- Also, please save the important vendor information (including health department information) on the back of this letter.
Please let the Diversity Coalition know how you would like to participate in the success of this year's festival. We look forward to your participation in an event that is great fun, and makes our community a more welcoming and interesting place.
For more information, call Annie at 525-8602. (Ella habla español.)
We look forwrd to seeing you in June!