Fort Walla Walla Museum's Heritage Day

News Release from Paul Franzmann, Communications Manager

The heritage of the Walla Walla region is colorful and varied, made of a wide assortment of people from many cultural backgrounds. Shifting and blending, sometimes creating new identities, but always influencing one another in numerous ways, these diverse sources continue to make Walla Walla a special place to live and work. Pride of place is a hallmark of the region; we treasure and celebrate all the different aspects that define who we are.

Fort Walla Walla Museum is seeking input from community members interested in sharing aspects of their heritage with others in the community and visitors to the Museum. Portraying the cultural diversity of the region in a special 'Heritage Day' has been a Museum goal for more than a decade. In conjunction with the ongoing Services and Facilities Enhancement Project, the Museum plans to showcase the incredible variety of who we are during its  annual Fall Harvest Festival in late September.

Music, dancing, food, dress, language, religion . these and other facets of culture make up the identifiable outer appearances of groups. More difficultto identify is the way people within a culture think and see the world. Much can be done to increase the understanding of different points of view by sharing your cultural celebrations with neighbors and guests.

If your group is interested in participating in Fort Walla Walla Museum's Heritage Day, contact Operations Manager Don Locati at 525-7703.

<June 2023>
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