Reserve a Booth - 2025 Multicultural Arts Festival

Sep 24, 2017

Time: Opens at noon and continues until 5 p.m.

Location: Land Title Plaza at First and Main in downtown Walla Walla

Phone: Dan Clark, entertainment coordinator (509) 522-0399 Se habla español.

Diversity Logo

Dear Friend of Diversity:
We are happy to invite you to have a booth at the 24rd annual Diversity Day Multicultural Arts Festival in Walla Walla. This year’s festival will be at Land Title Plaza at First and Main in downtown Walla Walla on Sunday, September 24, 2017 from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. The location change will allow greater visibility and foot traffic. Booth spaces, however, will be limited to a maximum of 15, and will vary in size.

We therefore urge you to submit your application as soon as possible to assure your inclusion in the festival. Our normal high quality entertainment is planned throughout the afternoon, including music and dance performances reflecting the traditions and artistic influences of diverse cultures and nationalities. The festival’s upbeat and joyous atmosphere increases respect and appreciation among people of all races and cultures.

Booth space is open to all those interested in furthering the Diversity Coalition’s goals of promoting communication, respect and understanding among the diverse groups living in our area and beyond. See the attached application for more information.

We request that the attached application be returned by August 31 so that the booths approved can be included in our publicity.

The final deadline for all applications is Saturday, September 16.

  • Please remember to sign the waiver on the back of your application before returning it.
  • Also, please save the important vendor information (including health department information) attached.

We look forward to your participation in an event that has been great fun over the years, and has helped make our community a more welcoming and interesting place for all of us.

Best wishes,

<March 2025>
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