This year’s festival revives a 25 year tradition of the Diversity Coalition’s multicultural arts festivals.  The annual festival drew thousands of people each year and for many became their favorite community event. It drew a mix of people from a variety of ethnic, racial, religious and other backgrounds. The event featured booths and performances from many different traditions, was cosponsored by the City of Walla Walla and other organizations, and was included in the City’s official vision statement set out in its comprehensive plan as characteristic of our community’s future.
For past events, the City, County, and neighboring communities officially proclaimed the day of the festival Diversity Day, and this year the Coalition is requesting that they declare April 27 Unity and Diversity Day in the Walla Walla Valley.

The booth and performer application and registration form for the April 27 Unity & Diversity Festival at Heritage Square Park downtown is now available and can be found and filled out online. Registration Form.

If you or your organization would like to receive an emailed copy of the application and registration form, please contact Dan Clark: phone: 509-629-2791 |  mailto:danielnclark12@gmail.com.

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